Resources and News Letter from President Joe Biden in Response to the TWK Gun Violence Letter During the inaugural meeting of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference in June 2022, a resolution was presented and passed advocating lawmakers to implement laws that would reduce or prevent gun violence. Bishop McAlilly wrote a letter to federal and state elected officials on behalf of the TWK Conference, to which President Biden responded. Read both letters here. Reminder of Changes in Clergy Mental Health Benefits for 2023 Mental Health Care benefits for clergy and families will be administered differently beginning in 2023. Read the full update here. Advent 2022 Resources Advent is one month away, and we have started compiling resources to help your church prepare the way of the Lord! Check out these resources. Lewis Center for Church Leadership | Helping Small Churches Make a Big Impact With the right approach, a small church can make a big impact in the world in many ways. Read this article by Joy F. Skjegstad, "To the Point: Doing Community Ministry in the Small Church," to learn different approaches and glean new ideas. TWK Delegation to Attend the Southeastern Jurisdictional (SEJ) Conference The TWK delegation will attend the SEJ Conference on November 2 - 4, 2022 at Lake Junaluska, NC. Please keep them in your prayers. All sessions and worship services of the conference will be live streamed at the SEJ website. The conference schedule will be available on that site as well. TWK Disaster Response Volunteer Interest Questionnaire and Housing Site Application The TWK Disaster Response team is recruiting volunteers for Fall and Winter construction projects, primarily in TN's Weakley County and in the Mayfield, KY area. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this volunteer interest and skills assessment questionnaire. Also, if you or someone you know would like to host volunteers, please fill out this form. ResourceUMC | We Are the Church. Together UMCOM has created a special presentation called "We are the church. Together," that will remind congregations of their identity as United Methodists while also inviting them to have constructive conversations about what they hope the future will bring, both for The UMC as a whole and their congregation. Learn more and get involved.
Bishop McAlilly's Blog Greater Things Are Yet To Be Done
Learning Opportunities Lakeshore Camp & Retreat Center | Jr.-Sr. High and Scrapbook Retreats On Nov. 11-13, Lakeshore Camp & Retreat Center will hold its Jr./Sr. High Retreat! This year, they will take a deep dive into scripture to learn more about the character of God. Learn more and register here. Lakeshore will also host its annual Scrapbook Retreat on Nov. 18-20. This retreat will emphasize relaxation, fellowship, and deepening participants' relationships with God through creativity. Register now. Register Now for MissionInsite Training Remember to register by Sunday, October 30 for the introduction to MissionInsite training session on Tuesday, November 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. This is an opportunity for both clergy and laity to learn about the data that MissionInsite gathers and how it can be a powerful tool in ministry. Appointed clergy in good standing will be able to request access as a user and then begin pulling reports to gain demographic information about their community. The training itself will be 30-40 minutes, with the remaining time to be used for Q&A. Please register for the session. The Zoom meeting link will be emailed the day before to those who have registered. What's Now? What's Next? A Conversation with Will Willimon about Methodist Hope What’s next for us? What does it look like for a Methodist leader (or congregation) to respond to God’s call now? What biblical texts, stories from our past, and core Wesleyan convictions can guide us from this point? In this webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 1:00 p.m., Will Willimon and guests will provide an informative and challenging discussion as they explore Methodist hope and what comes next. Learn more and register. Spiritus | Tennessee Loves Children (TLC) Event at Belmont UMC The members of Spiritus, a local group of clergy and lay citizens, have started an initiative, "TLC," to address the trauma needs of children and other community members that have arisen due to violence. They propose book discussions around a seminal work that highlights the need for action, Children Under Fire: A National Crisis, by John Woodrow Cox. Please join this event at Belmont University on November 2, 2022 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please contact jHughes@bumc.net with questions.
Important Dates & Opportunities
November 2-4 | Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference
January 23 | Course on Dementia Featuring Bishop Ken Carder begins
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