We have returned to more regular in person hours at the District Office. However, please call or email for an appointment to be sure we are in and to be admitted into the building. For assistance anytime, you may contact either Dr. Cynthia Davis at 901-270-5358 or msriverds19@gmail.com or Mrs. Vicki Dunagan at 731-694-4654 or msriveradmassistant@gmail.com. Also, for convenience, a drop box has been installed on the outside wall of our office building.
MS River District Website
A Prayer from Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis
Loving and merciful God,
We thank you for Jesus and the power of his resurrection.
We thank you for the gift of strength and truth through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, we thank you for life and life more abundantly than we have ever known.
We thank You because You see us, hear us, heal us, rescue us and You loved us before we knew You!
Your love is amazing! You revive our souls! You make wise the simple! You enlighten our eyes!
Thank You for amazing grace and love that will not let us go. We come O’ Lord, weary from the virus, weary from the fighting over masks and vaccinations that separate families and friends. We come and rest our weary souls, minds and spirits in You. You alone encourage us to come; all that are weary and who carry heavy burdens. We come because we know your yoke is easy and your burdens are light. We come remembering the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the burdens are heavy. We come carrying the burdens of all the sickness and deaths we have experienced the past few weeks. We come knowing you are not finished with us yet. We come because there is no other place and no other person we can come to in our time of need.
We come giving thanks because you are our Hope and Strength! You are our Joy in sorrow! You are our Light in darkness!
Bless us this day O’ Lord and pour out your Spirit that we will be able to go on a little while longer.
In your Name and through your merciful grace we pray, Amen!
Rev. Dr. Cynthia D. Davis
Mississippi River District Superintendent
P. O. Box 264
Alamo, TN 38001
Office: 731.696.4117
Bishop McAlilly's Blog - Flooding in Our Communities
The local churches of the MS River District are faithful to response in times of need! Very generous financial donations continue to arrive as well as other disaster response supplies. Union Grove UMC traveled to the Waverly area to cook and serve 1,000 hamburgers and hot dogs to residents and volunteers. They also worked with Ebenezer UMC in New Johnsonville and delivered canned goods, paper products, and other items to Ebenezer UMC for distribution. Other churches have made on site deliveries of much needed supplies and provided assistance in various ways. It is important to remember that any effort should be coordinated in advance with the contact sites in the affected area. We give much thanks to Robert Craig, Conference Disaster Response Coordinator, for leading and sharing with us the many ways that we may offer assistance through our UM connection.
For those who are collecting supplies, please remember to have those to one of our district drop sites (see link below) by Monday, September 13th!
Flooding in Our Communities - Post Aug. 23rd, 2021
How to Help!!!
Donate Online Through TWK Conference
Donate Online Through MS River District Website
Checks may also be sent to: MS River District, P.O. Box 264, Alamo, TN 38001 (note TN Flooding) or delivered to the office at 1382 W. Church St., Alamo, TN.
The MS River District is also collecting disaster response supplies. Click Here for Supplies List, Drop Sites and Contact Info
Attention Certified Lay Ministers, Certified Lay Servants, and Supply Pastors Currently Serving Assignments!
Next Session: October 2nd, 10:00 a.m.-Noon, at District Office, 1382 W. Church St. in Alamo or via Zoom.
In order to offer these classes to all CLMs, CLS, and SY Pastors in the Memphis and TN Conferences, a Zoom option has been added and login details have been shared. The schedule for these in person/Zoom sessions are as follows: October 2nd, Nov. 6th, and Dec. 4th.
District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis will lead the sessions and looks forward to seeing you! These sessions are created especially for you and will be on topics relevant to your role and work. Prayer Letter and Information from Rev. Laura Ibarra Hernandez Prayer Letter in English and Spanish Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 - October 15. Turner Center Announces Two Leadership Opportunities Local Pastor Academy 2021-2022 Looking for an opportunity to discover how to lead in your local congregation? Eager to connect with other local pastors? Desiring to increase your skills and knowledge of local church ministry? Join us for the upcoming Local Pastor Academy so that you will be equipped to be sent into your community to “offer Christ to a hurting world.” Click Here to Learn More. Innovation in Mission Cohort - Applications now being accepted- Find Out More Ministry Spotlight We'd like to recognize and say thank you to Rev. Susie Riley and her daughter, Retta Riley as we learned recently that both Susie and Retta are assisting regularly at the Crockett County Infusion Center. The Center is run by the Crockett County Ambulance Service. Retta tells us that they see 10 to 20 patients each morning for the monoclonal antibody (REGEN-COV) infusions. Currently, the small clinic has seen over 100 patients. The clinic is not only helping individuals sick with COVID but also taking some stress off the already over crowed and over worked hospital staff. Susie, a nurse, was contacted by the Director of the Ambulance Service to see if she might help with the clinic. Retta is involved with tracking vital signs and monitoring patients. Rev. Susie Riley is pastor of the Bells-Providence Charge in the MS River District. Discussion Series Explores What It Means to Be United Methodist Tuesday at the Table Charge Conference Charge Conference Forms Now Available Schedule has been shared by email. Contact the District Office if you didn't receive the schedule! TWK Social Media Our social media is now being shared through the future TWK accounts. Don't forget to like our new pages and stay up to date! (The legacy conference local accounts are no longer updated and will disappear soon.) Facebook|TwitterInstagram| Development Fund Grant Program Announcement The Board of the Development Fund for Kentucky and Tennessee and the Foundation for the Memphis and Tennessee Annual Conferences is pleased to announce the establishment of a new grant program. These grants are to aid churches or affiliated Conference entities with building or renovation projects. Click Here for Details! Additional Information from the UM Foundation that might benefit Church Workers with Outstanding Student Debt. Find our more using the link below. Key Loan Forgiveness Program for Church Workers Dates Announced for Lay Servant Classes Summer Classes have concluded. To inquire about other classes, contact Susan by email at susanandsissy@gmail.com. This would also be a good time if you need classes for re-certification which are required every 3 years. (Cost $15) In Addition to these classes, Click Here For A List of Additional Lay Servant Training Opportunities Timeline for new TWK Conference! TWK Newsletter Clergy Information Clergy Family Gathering: (Postponed) Local Pastors: Monthly coaching groups have been established and dates set! These sessions will focus on how to better navigate and serve your congregations as well as self-care. Please make every effort to attend your scheduled sessions. Elders: Spiritual Direction is also being offered through the Clergy Coaching Network. Dr. Davis would like all Elders to have a Spiritual Director. If you don't currently have someone assigned to you, please contact Dr. Davis for assistance. Attention: Clergy Spouses - A Retreat is Planned Just for You The Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference Clergy Spouses Retreat will be Sept. 24-26 at Beersheba Springs Assembly. More details will be in place soon but for now, SAVE THE DATES! Information will be posted on the 'Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference Clergy Spouses' Facebook page or email tnministermates@yahoo.com with you questions. Upcoming Conferences New dates for General Conference are Aug. 29 - Sept. 6, 2022 Click Here for more Details on General Conference
50 Years and Counting! Be a Part of the Celebration of the Histories of the Memphis and Tennessee Conferences To continue celebrating the histories of the Memphis and Tennessee conferences we want to capture a living history from those of you who have experienced things firsthand during these past 50 years. We would like to capture your stories and memories to create a video in celebration of the years 1972 – 2022 in what we now call the Nashville Episcopal Area. Click Here to Learn How to Participate Local Church Events & Invitations: On October 17, Trenton First will celebrate the 150th year of their sanctuary with a special service at 10:00 a.m. and lunch to follow. After lunch, there will be a history presentation mixed with a hymn sing. Everyone is invited to join them for any portion of this celebration. Denominational News, Helpful Ideas and Resources! Discipleship Ministries ResourceUMC UNITED METHODIST NEWS SERVICE Bishop McAlilly's Blog More Quick Links: Reelfoot Rural Ministries United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Lakeshore Project Transformation Emergency Response Guide for churches United Methodist Women: UMW Spiritual Retreat Sept. 10 - 12 at Beersheba Springs Assembly MS River District Directory Find us on Facebook at Mississippi River District of the United Methodist Church or CLICK HERE MS River District Website To submit news or sign up additional folks to receive this online District Newsletter email: msriveradmassistant@gmail.com MS River District Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1382 W. Church St., Alamo, TN (msriveradmassistant@gmail.com)
Mississippi River District UMC | Mississippi River District UMC, P.O. Box 264, Alamo, TN 38001Unsubscribe {recipient's email}Update Profile | Constant Contact Data NoticeSent by msriveradmassistant@gmail.com powered by