We have returned to more regular in person hours at the District Office. However, please call or email for an appointment to be sure we are in and to be admitted into the building. For assistance anytime, you may contact either Dr. Cynthia Davis at 901-270-5358 or msriverds19@gmail.com or Mrs. Vicki Dunagan at 731-694-4654 or msriveradmassistant@gmail.com. Also, for convenience, a drop box has been installed on the outside wall of our office building.
MS River District Website
A Prayer from Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis
O’ God, we pause this day to give thanks for another week’s journey. You have kept us secure in the enfolding of your vast embrace. You have placed prayers and singing in our hearts and on
our lips. You have been by our side helping us to make right decisions and leading with a spirit of holiness and overflowing cups. You stopped by our hearts and our homes; our places of worship and employment and the atmosphere has been changed and charged by your Spirit!
For those who struggle this day with clarity of mind; strength of their bodies and the will to go on one more day, stop by Lord Jesus and shine the light of your glory upon them. For all those who need words of encouragement and hope for a better day, raise up a melody that inspires their walk into an unknown with confidence and faith. For those who grieve, comfort with the peace of your Presence, their sadness and sorrow.
Let not diseases and illnesses take our praise. Let not the troubles of this world cause us to spin out of control. O’ God of our salvation, turn your ear from heaven and hear us when we call. Help us up when we fall. Forgive us when we sin. Heal us when we are sick. Put us back together when we are broken. Hold us when we sink. Lay hold of us when we are ensnared. Fasten us when we slip. Intercede for us when we pray. Dry our tears when we cry. Keep us until the end.
In the Name of The One who is our All in All, Jesus Christ, Amen!
Rev. Dr. Cynthia D. Davis
Mississippi River District Superintendent
P. O. Box 264
Alamo, TN 38001
Office: 731.696.4117
Project Transformation Celebrates 10 Years!
Join Project Transformation on Thursday, October 7, 2021, to celebrate ten years of Project Transformation Tennessee's ministry. Make plans to join them online or in-person at Calvary UMC in Nashville at 7 pm. A reception with light refreshments will be prior to the service, starting at 6 pm. Check Facebook for more details.
MS River DS Holds Prayer Vigils During October
Beginning last Saturday, Oct. 2nd and continuing, Saturday, Oct. 9th (Haywood & Lauderdale Counties), Oct. 16th (Lake & Obion Counties), and Oct. 23rd (Gibson and Weakley Counties)., Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis is leading times of prayer and fasting throughout our District.
More details can be found on our District FB page or the District Website's Calendar Page Visit our Website!
MS River FB
Thanks again to all who donated supplies! And, thanks to Bill Carr for transporting them and to Mr. Paul Ward and Mr. Craig Spellings of Alamo First for volunteering to help load everything! Also, a special thanks to Mr. Dwight Twitty of Lighthouse UMC who responded faithfully to help this week but due to Bill's schedule the loading day was changed!
Flooding in Our Communities
Flooding in Our Communities - Post Aug. 23rd, 2021
Donations Still Accepted!
Donate Online Through TWK Conference
Donate Online Through MS River District Website
Checks may also be sent to: MS River District, P.O. Box 264, Alamo, TN 38001 (note TN Flooding) or delivered to the office at 1382 W. Church St., Alamo, TN.
Continue throughout the year to make the UMCOR Disaster Response Kits to be used when needed! UMCOR Kit Instructions
Clergy Information
Tentative Date for Next Clergy Meeting - Nov. 9th - Please watch email for confirmation and details.
Attention Certified Lay Ministers, Certified Lay Servants, and Supply Pastors Currently Serving Assignments!
Next Session: Nov. 6th, 10:00 a.m.- Noon via Zoom. We will not be continuing the in person option due to rising COVID numbers.
In order to offer these classes to all CLMs, CLS, and SY Pastors in the Memphis and TN Conferences, a Zoom option has been added and login details will be shared in advance of each session. The sessions are as follows: Nov. 6th, and Dec. 4th.
District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis will lead the sessions and looks forward to seeing you! These sessions are created especially for you and will be on topics relevant to your role and work.
Attention Clergy! Checkout this Wespath Benefits Workshop
Workshop Details
Staying Connected...Enjoying Fellowship
Retirees Luncheon offered at three different locations and dates. Click the link to learn more and to make your reservations (We regret to inform you that these luncheons have been cancelled due to low registrations.)
Retirees Luncheons
ENCORE Ministry - Please help by completing an Older Adult Ministry Report
Dear Church Leaders,
For the past several years, the ENCORE Ministry Committee has invited church leaders to complete an Older Adult Ministry Report. The brief report form submitted by leaders provides essential information on who in the church has responsibility for overseeing older adult ministry and what specific ministries the church has been engaged in related to older adults. By knowing who has responsibility in the church for older adult ministry, the ENCORE Ministry Committee is able to provide helpful resource information to the right person.
Older Adult Ministry Report (look just below the date on the home page for the link to the report). Committee members use the information received to provide resources and training opportunities for leaders in older adult ministry. Report information is also a source for best practices ideas for older adult ministry.
The ENCORE Ministry Committee invites you to complete the Older Adult Ministry Report for 2021. Send your completed form to Dr. Richard Gentzler at rgentzler@tnumc.org.
Thank you for sharing your ideas for ministry by, with, and for older adults with the committee.
Grace and Peace,
Dr. Richard H. Gentzler, Jr.
Director, ENCORE Ministry
Great Time to Support Golden Cross Ministry
While this year’s Golden Cross Sunday with offering has come and gone, it’s not too late to take a special offering for the Golden Cross Foundation. From now through December 31, 2021, all church and individual donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar by an anonymous donor up to $25,000.
Golden Cross Donations Matched Dollar for Dollar Through Year End
Hannah's Hope Need You!
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live our lives, but it has not changed the mission of Hannah’s Hope. We continue to serve pregnant women in crisis and their vulnerable children. Now more than ever we need the support of congregations, UMW Circles, small groups and Sunday School classes to sustain the ministry of Hannah’s Hope. Can you become or continue as a Partner of Hope?
Click Here to Read More
Charge Conference
Charge Conference Forms Now Available
Please note the dates/times have not changed BUT we have changed to virtual conferences via ZOOM. The login will be sent in advance of each scheduled conference. Should this change, notifications will be sent.
TWK Social Media
Our social media is now being shared through the
future TWK accounts. Don't forget to like our new
pages and stay up to date! (The legacy conference local accounts are no longer updated
and will disappear soon.)
Dates Announced for Lay Servant Classes
Summer Classes have concluded.
To inquire about other classes, contact Susan by email at susanandsissy@gmail.com. This would also be a good time if you need classes for re-certification which are required every 3 years. (Cost $15)
In Addition to these classes, Click Here For A List of Additional Lay Servant Training Opportunities
Timeline for new TWK Conference!
TWK Newsletter Oct. 7, 2021
Upcoming Conferences
New dates for General Conference are Aug. 29 - Sept. 6, 2022
Click Here for more Details on General Conference
Local Church Events & Invitations:
Troy UMC is holding Prayer Services praying for COVID relief each Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome!
On October 17, Trenton First will celebrate the 150th year of their sanctuary with a special service at 10:00 a.m. and lunch to follow. After lunch, there will be a history presentation mixed with a hymn sing. Everyone is invited to join them for any portion of this celebration. Denominational News, Helpful Ideas and Resources! Discipleship Ministries ResourceUMC UNITED METHODIST NEWS SERVICE Bishop McAlilly's Blog More Quick Links: Reelfoot Rural Ministries United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Lakeshore Project Transformation Emergency Response Guide for churches MS River District Directory Find us on Facebook at Mississippi River District of the United Methodist Church or CLICK HERE MS River District Website To submit news or sign up additional folks to receive this online District Newsletter email: msriveradmassistant@gmail.com MS River District Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1382 W. Church St., Alamo, TN (msriveradmassistant@gmail.com)Mississippi River District UMC | Mississippi River District UMC, P.O. Box 264, Alamo, TN 38001Unsubscribe msriveradmassistant@gmail.comUpdate Profile | Constant Contact Data NoticeSent by msriveradmassistant@gmail.com powered byTry email marketing for free today!