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MS River District E-News 4/16/21

Writer's picture: Ken SmithKen Smith

At this time, the staff of the MS River District continues to work remotely with limited "in-office" hours or by appointment. For assistance, you may contact either Dr. Cynthia Davis at 901-270-5358 or or Mrs. Vicki Dunagan at 731-694-4654 or Also, for convenience, a drop box has been installed on the outside wall of our office building.

A Prayer from Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis

Almighty God,

We come today in thanksgiving and praise for You are our God. You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. We are grateful for the beautiful sweet gifts of life, energy, strength and the capacity to love and forgive.

We come today lifting up families, friends, and communities who have lost loved ones this past week from sickness, mass shootings, disease, accidents, horror and senseless violence of all kinds. For those whose bodies are especially vulnerable to violent actions, protect Lord! Have mercy upon us. The grief being experienced is unimaginable. The brokenness of heart and spirit is sometimes more than we can imagine. Come, Lord Jesus, and hide your people under your wings as a hen hides her chicks. Cover us with a love that heals our wounds and binds our broken hearts.

Help us to be people of the Light! Love so deeply within us that others will recognize Your Presence and know that we belong to You. Forgive us for all the ways we have failed you each day by thoughts, words and deeds. Our souls thirst for You and our flesh fails without You. Come, Holy Spirit, be our Shelter in the storms of life and protect us from the wrath of the enemy. Come, Lord Jesus, be our Friend, Counselor, Pastor, Physician, and Company Keeper on the journey.

We love You with all that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever become.

It is in Your awesome and magnificent Name that we pray and give thanks, AMEN!

Dr. Cynthia D. Davis

Mississippi River District Superintendent

P. O. Box 264

Alamo, TN 38001

Office: 731.696.4117

Cell: 901.270.5358

Clergy Appointments Announced for 2021-2022

On Sunday, April 11th, announcements were made in local congregations in regard to the clergy appointments for the coming conference year. Thanks was offered for the ministry of each clergy person serving and notification was given in instances where a move will be involved. Bishop McAlilly and Rev. Scott Aleridge explain the appointment process and talk about the timeline in the Bishop's March 5th blog. Use the link below to hear their conversation.

The Appointment Process

2021 Annual Conference, General Conference, and Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference

2021 Memphis Annual Conference

Attn: Clergy & Lay Delegates - Registration for AC is now open - registration deadline is May 5th!

General Conference postponed to 2022 due to the continued safety issues of COVID 19 as it relates to mass gatherings and travel. New dates are August 29 - Sept. 6, 2022

Click Here for more Details on General Conference

SEJ Conference (date TBA)

Bishop's Blog - Postponement of General Conference...Next Steps

Guide Team Announces Youth Ministry Partnerships with Ministry Architects

Listening sessions are now planned with the date for the MS River District being May 3, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

Who Should Attend?

Youth ministry professionals, volunteers, youth who feel called into leadership, pastors and parents with a keen interest in youth ministry, laity with a dream for conference youth ministry, etc. The more voices at the table, the more thorough the expression of the conference’s dream for youth ministry.

Click Here for Details and for Registration Link

Does Your Church Have a Story to Share?

The new TWK Annual Conference communications team is looking for stories that relate to the 4 Strategic Initiatives for the new Conference for 2021. Stories should be submitted to Below is a list of the Initiatives:

Develop Transforming Clergy and Lay Leaders

Invest in and empower young (18-35) and diverse people

Engage the mission field through partnering with communities

Create fruitful and faithful congregations

News From United Methodist Foundation

The United Methodist Foundation for the Memphis and Tennessee Annual Conferences is pleased to announce that it was recently awarded a grant from the UMC Clergy Well-Being Initiative. This award is funded by a grant to the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits of the UMC by the Lilly endowment Inc. Working in conjunction with the Memphis and Tennessee Annual Conferences, the grant will be used to help establish and fund pilot groups. These groups are focused upon personal finance for clergy and will utilize the recently published Saving Grace curriculum. Over a two-year period, a pilot clergy group will be launched in each of the nine districts of the Memphis

and Tennessee Annual Conferences. Each clergy person selected for the groups

will be given a Saving Grace Leader’s kit in order to offer the class in their ministry setting. Following completion of the curriculum, individual financial coaching and counseling will be made available to all participants. Speaking on behalf of the Foundation, Philip Jamieson said, “We are very thankful for this opportunity provided by the Lilly Endowment. We do believe that this program has the potential to strengthen both individual finances and to help local churches become better stewards of all that the Lord has provided them.”

For more information, please contact Philip Jamieson, President of the UM Foundation for the Memphis and Tennessee Annual Conferences at or David Comperry at

Lenten Hunger Offering - Please remit funds by April 30th

Lenten Hunger Offering information

Clergy Information:

Next Clergy Meeting: May 20th via Zoom - two options to attend: 10:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.

Local Pastors: Monthly coaching groups have been established and dates set! These sessions will focus on how to better navigate and serve your congregations as well as self-care. Please make every effort to attend your scheduled sessions.

Elders: Spiritual Direction is also being offered through the Clergy Coaching Network. Dr. Davis would like all Elders to have a Spiritual Director. If you don't currently have someone assigned to you, please contact Dr. Davis for assistance.

Zoom Gatherings for Certified Lay Ministers, Lay Servants, and Supply Pastors Serving Assignments in the MS River District

Next session via Zoom - May 25th, 6:30 p.m.

The login will be sent to you by email in advance of the meeting.

District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis will lead the sessions and looks forward to seeing you on Zoom! If you don't receive the login information, please contact the district office. These sessions are created especially for you and will be on topics relevant to your role and work.

MS River District Continues Conversational Series on Poverty All Laity and Clergy are Invited to Join!

All clergy and laity of the district are invited and encouraged to attend. Next date is April 20th 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The continued focus will be on the question, 'What is God calling us to do in regard to poverty during this season?' The hope is to further our district focus on 'Making a Dent', Matthew: 25. Hope you'll join us!

If you missed the March 16th conversation, click the link provided below for a recording of that session:

Recording of March 16th Conversation on Poverty

We will share the login details with clergy and lay groups on Thursday before each Tuesday session. Pastors, please share this opportunity in your congregations as well as forwarding the login to folks who might be interested since the district office does not have email on 'all' laity.

TN and Memphis Conferences Join Together to Offer Lay Servant Training

Both Basic and Advanced Lay Servant classes have been completed. Additional Basic and Advanced classes will be offered later this year.

Susan Davidson, Director of Lay Servant Ministries at 731-414-6806 or

Memphis Conference COVID19 Resource Page for Clergy, Local Churches, and Laity

COVID19 Conference Resource Page

Denominational News, Helpful Ideas and Resources!

Memphis Conference Website

Discipleship Ministries

Council of Bishops Statement on Racism

Resources for Responding to Systemic Racism

Subscribe here for Daily Prayers from Discipleship Ministries...Praying for Change



Bishop McAlilly's Blog

More Quick Links:

View Job Postings or List Available Positions in the Memphis Conf

Reelfoot Rural Ministries

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)


Project Transformation

Church Tithing Tool and Information

Emergency Response Guide for churches

MS River District Directory

Find us on Facebook at Mississippi River District of the United Methodist Church


To submit news or sign up additional folks to receive this online District Newsletter email:

MS River District Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

1382 W. Church St., Alamo, TN (

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1382 W. Church St. 

Alamo, TN  38001 

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 264, Alamo, TN  38001

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