At this time, the staff of the MS River District continues to work remotely with limited "in-office" hours or by appointment. For assistance, you may contact either Dr. Cynthia Davis at 901-270-5358 or or Mrs. Vicki Dunagan at 731-694-4654 or Also, for convenience, a drop box has been installed on the outside wall of our office building.
TWKUMC Social Media & Newsletter Transition - Click Here for Details about Communications Changes for the future Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference!
A Prayer to MS River District
In our continuous celebration of Black History Month, we pray with Mary McLeod Bethune this week.
Born into a family of seventeen children whose parents had once been slaves, Mary McLeod Bethune became one of the most indefatigable voices for global equality and understanding in the immediate years before and after World War II. She was a self-assured educator, activist, and columnist and found in prayer one of life's great comforts. Here she expresses her firm belief in the beauty of diversity throughout the world.
Mary McLeod Bethune: "Symphony of Life"
Father, we call Thee Father because we love Thee. We are glad to
be called Thy children, and to dedicate our lives to the service
that extends through willing hearts and hands to the betterment
of all mankind. We send a cry of Thanksgiving for people of all
races, creeds, classes, and colors the world over, and pray that
through the instrumentality of our lives the spirit of peace, joy,
fellowship, and brotherhood shall circle the world. We know that
this world is filled with discordant notes, but help us, Father, to
so unite our efforts that we may all join in one harmonious
symphony for peace and brotherhood, justice, and equality of
opportunity for all men. The tasks performed today with
forgiveness for all our errors, we dedicate, dear Lord, to Thee.
Grant us strength and courage and faith and humility sufficient
for the tasks assigned to us. Amen
February is Black History Month February is Black History Month — a time to reflect on the history of black Americans and to honor the individuals and groups who have worked tirelessly toward racial justice. Click the link for resource ideas. Resources for Black History Month
Lenten Hunger Offering - Feb. 17th - April 4th To learn more and find out about beneficiaries, campaign materials, and how to remit funds, click the link below. Lenten Hunger Offering information
March Meeting Date for Certified Lay Ministers, Lay Servants, and Supply Pastors Serving Assignments in the MS River District Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 9th, 6:30 p.m. for the next meeting via Zoom. The login will be sent to you by email in advance of the meeting. District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Cynthia Davis will lead the session and looks forward to seeing you on Zoom! If you don't receive the login information on Feb. 12th, please contact Vicki at asap! These sessions are created especially for you and will be on topics relevant to your role and work.
MS River District to Offer Conversational Series for Laity and Clergy Dr. Cynthia Davis, D.S. will lead these conversations via Zoom. She has selected the topic of 'poverty' for the first sessions. All clergy and laity of the district are invited and encouraged to attend. Upcoming dates for the series on poverty are as follows: March 16th, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., and April 20th 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The focus will be on the question, 'What is God calling us to do in regard to poverty during this season?' The hope is to further our district focus on 'Making a Dent', Matthew: 25. Hope you'll join us! We will share the login details with clergy and lay groups on Thursday before each Tuesday session. Pastors, please share this opportunity in your congregations as well as forwarding the login to folks who might be interested since the district office does not have email on 'all' laity.
2021 Annual Conference, General Conference, and Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference 2021 Memphis Annual Conference details...June 3 - 4 General Conference Aug. 29-Sept. 7 details SEJ Conference Nov. 10-12 details
Faith and Race 101 and 102 These workshops will be February 21st and February 28th from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. Click the link below for more details including how to get the Zoom link. Faith and Race 101 and 102 Workshops
Communications Training Events to be Offered by future Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference These one hour events are scheduled for 1:00 p.m. each Tuesday in February. The link provided gives more information along with an opportunity to register. Click Here for Details Communications Training
Clergy Information: Next Clergy Meeting: February 25th, 9:00 a.m. - Noon via Zoom. Watch your email for login details! Local Pastors: Monthly coaching groups have been established and dates set! If you haven't heard from your coach, please contact the district office. These sessions will focus on how to better navigate and serve your congregations as well as self-care. Elders: Spiritual Direction is also being offered through the Clergy Coaching Network. Dr. Davis would like all Elders to have a Spiritual Director. If you don't currently have someone assigned to you, please contact Dr. Davis for assistance.
2021 PPP Paycheck Protection Program Information The link provided gives information compiled by Wespath for UMC Support Click Here for Info 2021 PPP Loan Information
Becomming the Church of the Future A guided planning retreat for becoming the congregation of tomorrow...Feb 26th-27th Future Church Summit
Interested in Volunteer Service? Check Out These Discovery Events Click Here to Learn More About Discovery Events
TN and Memphis Conferences Join Together to Offer Lay Servant Training Both Basic and Advanced Lay Servant classes have been completed. Additional Basic and Advanced classes will be offered later this year. Certified Lay Minister classes are scheduled in March and April. You must have completed the Advanced classes to be eligible for the CLM courses. For dates and details on the CLM courses, please contact Susan Davidson as soon as possible! Susan Davidson, Director of Lay Servant Ministries at 731-414-6806 or
Memphis Conference COVID19 Resource Page for Clergy, Local Churches, and Laity COVID19 Conference Resource Page
Prelaunch Website for New Conference Future Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference Prelaunch Website
Helpful Ideas and Resources!