Newsletter for the future Tennessee-Western Kentucky
Covering news & events for the Memphis and Tennessee Conferences
August 5, 2021
Nominating faithful leaders is our next step!
As we grow the pool of leaders for the 2022 TWK Nominations process, the Nominations team sincerely invites you to prayerfully consider leaders around you to recommend. Please consider also how you might serve. Some of the previously established teams already working with area-wide leadership will remain with small changes, while many of the teams and committees will start anew. The new leadership for the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference (TWKUMC) must be elected by eligible voting members from both June 2021 annual conferences. This will happen during a TWK Organizational Meeting early in the afternoon on Saturday, December 4. Currently, that meeting is being planned as a hybrid event with both in-person and online access available. More details will be sent as they become available. The leadership to be voted on that day is now being nominated - and you can participate in that process! Please complete the nomination forms by Monday, August 9. Don't be shy - you are encouraged to nominate yourself if you are willing to serve! Details and Nominations Forms
This Weekend! | Native Moccasins Rock
How do traditional values in native cultures impact who you are? Where are you on the path as it stretches before you? Will it be straight, narrow, or wide? Whether you want to explore your native culture and tradition or learn more as a non-native and affirm the answers to questions you may have about Native Americans - past, present, and future; you have an opportunity based on fellowship, friendship, and understanding through education. Details
Ebenezer UMC to Receive Historical Marker on Saturday
Nolensville's Ebenezer United Methodist Church will soon be the site of the county's newest historical marker recognizing the church's significant place in the community. An unveiling ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 7, at Ebenezer UMC, which is located at 101 King St., Nolensville, TN just behind Southern Hospitality Diner. View Church Website
A Virtual Time of Prayer for Our Episcopal Area | August 10 at 10 a.m.
“The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught.” Mark 6:30
Our General Conference Delegation invites you to gather together around Jesus to tell your stories of joy and pain, struggle and celebration. Grounded in scripture, we will spend time in holy listening - to God and one another. And lift our church, connection, and the world in prayer. Our prayer time will be led by Kara Lassen Oliver, Executive Director of The Upper Room Center for Christian Spiritual Formation. Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying.
To join email for zoom link.
New TWK Staff Positions Open | Application deadline: August 16
The new conference Guide Team sent out a Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference Update earlier this week. Read here. Included in that update is an explanation regarding the four new staff positions that will support Strategy Teams of the new conference structure. The Human Resources Team plans to fill these positions by October 1. The application deadline is August 16, 2021. More information about the jobs is at
Rural Church, Healthy Food Webinar | August 11, 2021
You’re invited to the USDA Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships meeting, Ensuring Healthy Food for All: Addressing Rural Food Insecurity, on Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Register here:
2022 Sager Brown Team Members Wanted
A twenty-four-member mission team from the TN Conference worked at UMCOR Sager Brown during the first week of January 2020. The team of up to thirty-five members was rescheduled for January 9-14, 2022. This team still has some openings. Anyone in the Tennessee Western Kentucky Conference area would be welcome to join this team. Sager Brown is an amazing UMCOR site with many opportunities for service. Learn More
Postponed | TWK Clergy Days Apart
There was great hope for an in-person gathering with fellowship for the clergy of the future Tennessee Western Kentucky Conference this summer at YMCA Camp Widjiwagan. After considering the rise in newly diagnosed COVID cases, across both Tennessee and Kentucky, the planning team believes it is best to reschedule the event. More
Please send us your stories! The communications strategy team is eager to help you share the wonderful stories of transformation happening in your churches! Please forward articles and photos to us via
Important Dates & Virtual Opportunities
August 6-8 | Native Moccasins Rock Details
August 10 | Area-Wide Time of Prayer
August 14 | Orientation To Ministry Virtual Event
September 9 | 21st Annual Golden Cross Golf Classic More
September 12 | Golden Cross Sunday (An anonymous donor will match your gifts.) More
September 24-26 | Clergy Spouse Retreat More
September 27 | The Cooper Golf Challenge Details
Bishop McAlilly's Blog | Greater Things Are Yet to be Done
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