New Webinar!
Church Debt and What to Do About It
Many of our churches would not be in the buildings we are without some debt. We do know that money that is spent to retire debt is money that could be used to expand mission and ministry.Join us Tuesday, May 24, 6:30 P.M. CDT as Ken Sloane and his guest Joe Park of Horizons Stewardship discuss church debt and what to do about it.
A Different Perspective
Watch as Russian Bishop Eduard Khegay speaks about the shocking statistics of the division of people, the consequences for those who have spoken out against the war, and what he and his congregations are doing to try and help.
New Worship Series
Living the Spirit Life
On Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit to raise the church out of hiding and out of despair and to give the church wind at the back and fire in the bones and to encourage the church to live the good news of Jesus Christ outwardly and invitationally.
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